We sought to answer two specific questions about implementation and children’s SEL skill growth: What is the impact of QIS exposure on program quality (i.e., best practices, low staff turnover, great content), particularly for programs that have lower program quality at baseline? What is the impact of exposure to high program quality on student SEL skills?
Place-Based Ecological Stewardship
This white paper was developed to (1) describe how SEMIS promotes social and emotional learning, (2) iterate content and language with SEMIS stakeholders, (3) and to make a compelling and scientifically grounded case for expansion of the work.
The Multilevel Person in Context ~ neuroperson (MPCn) Model
The multilevel person-in-context model of youth development programs facilitates thinking about how the SEL skills being developed at the point of service (POS) are both (a) embedded within the wider context of policy decisions, family background, and out-of-school time (OST) program quality and (b) related subsequently to shorter-term youth outcomes (e.g., SEL skill growth) and longer-term youth achievements (e.g., graduation and employment).
Promoting Healthy Development of Young People: Outcomes Framework 2.0
In the summer of 2018, the Local Government Association (LGA) in England commissioned the Centre for Youth Impact to produce an outcomes framework to help partners across the English youth sector to develop and agree on mutual aims to support young people in their local areas. The work was in response to LGA’s consultations that led to its vision statement described in the report, Bright Futures: Our Vision for Youth Services, published at the end of 2017.
Measure Once, Cut Twice: Using Data For Continuous and Impact Evaluation in Education Programs
This paper describes a generic quality-outcomes design (Q-O design) that meets the need for performance measurement methodology for concurrent and integrated impact evaluation and continuous improvement in the same organization; that is, measure once, cut twice.
Quality-Outcomes Study for Seattle Public Schools Summer Programs
This quality-outcomes study was designed to both (a) describe performance in Seattle Public Schools (SPS) summer learning programs in ways that are useful to staff and (b) provide evaluative evidence (i.e., validity) for an instructional model that includes challenging academic content and responsive instructional practices.
Evaluation of Program Quality and Social and Emotional Learning in… Social Circus Programs
This report exemplifies use of the suite of SEL measures and benchmarks in the American Youth Circus Organizations network.
Evaluation of Afterschool Improvement Process: Oklahoma 21st Century Community Learning Centers
This paper describes validity of QIS performance measures and longitudinal change over four years in Oklahoma 21st CCLC programs.
Design Study for the Summer Learning Program Quality Intervention (SLPQI)
This paper describes implementation and outcomes for QIS in school-based summer learning programs in multiple cities.
Preparing Youth to Thrive: Methodology and Findings from the SEL Challenge
This technical report describes methodology and findings for (1) best-practice SEL standards, (2) validation of a suite of SEL performance measures for use in QIS, and (3) performance benchmarks for out-of-school time programs focused on building SEL skills with vulnerable children/youth.