Measuring youth skills in expanded learning systems: Case study for reliability and validity of the YDEKC skill measures and technical guidance for local evaluators

DOWNLOAD  This paper uses pattern-centered methods to increase the usefulness of information available from survey-based skill measures, with a focus on using survey-based skills measures to detect skill change over time.

Quality at the point of service: profiles of practice in after-school settings

DOWNLOAD This paper uses pattern centered methods to identify three different quality profiles – high, medium, and low – that characterize staff instruction in out-of-school time programs. Citation: Smith, C., Peck, S.C., Denault, A., Blazevski, J. and Akiva, T. (2010), Quality at the Point of Service: Profiles of Practice in After-School Settings. American Journal of … Continue reading Quality at the point of service: profiles of practice in after-school settings

Linking after-school instructional practices to youth engagement: A pattern-centered approach

DOWNLOAD This paper uses pattern centered methods to describe the association between the quality of instruction available and youth’s level of mental engagement with that instruction.Citation: Akiva, T., Pearson, L., Sugar, S. A., Peck, S. C., Smith, C., & Denault, A. (2010). Linking after-school instructional practices to youth engagement: A pattern-centered approach. Paper presented at … Continue reading Linking after-school instructional practices to youth engagement: A pattern-centered approach