Continuous Quality Improvement and Evaluation in 2020: A Plan for 21st Century Community Learning Centers

During times of crisis when programs are under tremendous pressures, evaluation and assessment can be challenging. Programs enter triage mode, putting their limited time and energy into the most urgent tasks. This heightens the need for evaluation that reduces strain and improves capacity. When conditions that created the crisis are long-lasting, like the coronavirus pandemic, … Continue reading Continuous Quality Improvement and Evaluation in 2020: A Plan for 21st Century Community Learning Centers

Defining High Quality for Afterschool Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic​

Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, as schools grappled with the sudden demand for remote instruction, afterschool and other out-of-school time (OST) programs have been striving to adapt. As programs expand their remote offerings and gradually reopen, there is a need for guidance. Delivering the same high-quality supports to children and youth at home is a formidable challenge, and returning to in-person programming requires adjustment to a new normal.