QTurn 101 – Neuroperson Framework

VIDEO 1: QTurn’s Neuroperson Framework helps to see children’s mental and behavioral skills more clearly, in support of attachment-aware trauma-informed (AATI) updates to best practice and quality. https://www.qturngroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/QTurn-Offer-v.21-PART-1-1.mp4 Part 2: QTurn 101 – More on Schemas Part 3: QTurn 101 – Outcomes Measures

Fall 2022 Evolving the Standard for High Quality

In the prior two blogs, we talked about how a group of master afterschool teachers at 25 afterschool sites in Genesee County have responded to the pandemic years. One important area of evolution was the new service models that put staff in the field visiting homes and meeting parents at drop off sites, producing a … Continue reading Fall 2022 Evolving the Standard for High Quality

The State of Children in Afterschool

Like all managers I interviewed last fall, Keoshia, site manager for YouthQuest at Durant-Tuuri-Mott Elementary School, agreed that over 50% of this year’s students were behind academically. For that reason, the team at DTM Elementary afterschool is focused on math and literacy. However, for Keoshia and her team at DTM, the children’s socio-emotional skills are … Continue reading The State of Children in Afterschool

How could OST address climate change?

With the publication of the IPCC report, it’s not difficult to conclude that our current political leadership is not going to take us where we need to go, and we can’t wait anymore. The scientists are telling us right now, in clear language, that the time is up: Major transformations in our thinking and behavior around energy use must happen right now.

What Exactly is Compassionate Evaluation?

Compassion has a lot of definitions, but most have to do with recognition of suffering, action to alleviate suffering, and tolerance of discomfort during the action.[i] By April of 2020, we knew that our afterschool partners in Genesee County (including the city of Flint) Michigan, and many of the children and families that they served, … Continue reading What Exactly is Compassionate Evaluation?

SEMIS Coalition for Place-Based Ecological Stewardship: Growing a Movement, Getting Ready for Growth

Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on twitter Twitter Share on email Email Download The Southeastern Michigan Stewardship Coalition (SEMIS) is a high impact and low-cost school reform for adults and students to build their repertoire of ecological stewardship skills – SEL, STEM and civic – and experience agency from the practice of ecological stewardship in … Continue reading SEMIS Coalition for Place-Based Ecological Stewardship: Growing a Movement, Getting Ready for Growth